Thursday, July 14, 2011

Toys for Boys

Some of Lucas's favourite toys........

 Ice cream toy from Kawaii Kids

Bumbo Seat plus Fisher & Price toys

Baby Einstein Play Gym (got mine from Toys R Us)

Captain Calamari by Lamaze toys available @ BIG W 

the latest edition to his toy collection is the Fisher Price Rainforest Jumperoo. Very hard to find the rainforest version so I got mine on Ebay from the U.S but I'm sure this is easy to find in big cities- just not in Perth! Lots of second hand available on Gumtree. Lucas is still getting used to moving and jumping on his legs. I'm hoping this will keep him occupied for a little longer than the play gym and Captain Calamari!

His most favourite toy and one which he will never get bored his DADDY!

Monday, July 4, 2011

Lucas's Nursery Room

We will be moving into our new place soon! Can't wait to do up the nursery!

Seriously thinking of doing this Super Mario theme......

Right it's a blank canvas so still deciding on colour, furniture, toys. storage etc etc...

It's not a very big room but it's enough. We scarificed having a study room so here is a hilarious idea...

A CLOFFICE! (Closet/Office)

I especially love this one- but my husband detests the idea of a cloffice. haha

Premade Design by Delicious Design Studio