Thursday, March 3, 2011

Welcome to the World!

Pregnancy is a hard thing to imagine if you haven't been through it before. Everyone experiences it differently and I'm lucky to have little complications throughout. Needless to say- it wasn't all breezy and easy! Would I want to get pregnant again? If you asked me last week I would have said a straight out "NO!" and would have been happy with one child. haha Now I have a change of heart and would love to have a girl!
I was around 37weeks in this pic- I felt HUGE! Sorry I didn't take many pictures when I was pregnant. Just felt fat and lazy! haha
Straight after the birth of Lucas I was crying my eyes out and felt no pain thanks to the epidural- the pain came later once it wore off! He was so chubby already but lost some weight due to jaundice. And the first thing everyone says is "He's got so much hair!" just like his daddy:)

He was so pink and healthy looking the first day but turned a bit yellow after day 2 and he lost so much weight I had to give him formula while I desperately tried to pump my breast milk out. The milk didn't come in till day 7 and he would have been starving already!

Lucas's first time in the car seat on the way home!

I love this swaddling wrap I bought from and it is the best! He can't squirm his way out of it and it's super stretchy so he can still move around without getting unwrapped. I will post more details about this item later with all my other super recommended buys for pregnancy and baby stuff.

My husband feeding Lucas- Daddy's favourite job!

 Bath time! It can be scary at first since they are so tiny! But surprisingly Lucas loves the water- he is an Aquarian baby:)

 I love his tiny little feet!
Apparently Lucas likes to poo while he is in the position- on my lap!

One month old already (with helmut hair)
Happy Birthday Lucas!


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